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Junaid Farooq

Software developer at Yarikul infotech




Programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, SQL
Web frameworks: Symfony, Laravel
Front-end frameworks: React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js
Database technologies: MySQL, MS SQL
API development: RESTful architecture
Automated testing: BDD and TDD, using unit testing and integration testing
Software architecture: Worked with Monolithic, Layered and Hexagonal architectures. Learning and (trying to) implementing DDD
Tools: Redis, GIT, Yarn, NPM, Webpack, babel, PHPStorm, VS Code, Jira, Ubuntu, Windows

Work History

๐Ÿšง Senior Software Developer | Yarikul infotech

02/2018 - Present

I am responsible for:

  • Building the front-end, developing and maintaining the back end in a scalable and efficient manner
  • Internal API development and ensuring efficient web development
  • Expanding and unit testing the features, refining the code, improving the overall process
  • Developed and enhanced various Excel based reports, that were critical to the businesses of our clients, using MS Excel, VBA, and SQL
  • Developed a web-based reporting system from scratch to take advantage of the web, and overcome the issues with excel based reporting, thereby improving the overall developer productivity and enhancing the user experience to a great deal
  • Working with various AWS services to provision and maintain the cloud infrastructure
  • Ensured tight cooperation with other developers, testers, and the management through active listening, systematic communication, and leadership skills
  • Leading, mentoring and supervising small teams
  • Fixing bugs and problems across the entire codebase in an efficient nad timely manner

๐Ÿšง Web Developer

05/2017 - 10/2017

During the said period, I worked both as a freelance as well as a full-time web developer.

I was responsible for:

  • Designing and developing various WordPress sites, custom websites, etc
  • Working on developing an invoicing solution for a company
  • Designing, developing, maintaining and troubleshooting the website of a company i worked full-time for, for some time

๐Ÿšง Database Developer | BQE Software

08/2015 - 03/2017

This role primarily involved migrating databases from any accounting software to the companyโ€™s software using MS SQL Server and related technologies. Some of the tasks that i would usually perform are listed below:

  • Writing SQL scripts, stored procedures, and functions to migrate and reconcile data
  • Performing database Analysis and issue Resolution
  • Enhancing various SQL scripts, and fixing various issues in a performant and efficient way
  • Working with SQL and non-SQL databases and extracting data using ODBC connection
